How to Transfer SAP Customer to SAP GTS

SAP GTS system just does replicate the transactional documents of the feeder system for sales order, Delivery, Purchase Order, and Inbound delivery, etc. therefore before transferring the transactional document to GTS, the master data of the feeder system need to transfer to SAP GTS. One of the master data of the feeder system is SAP Customer Master data. SAP customer master data is replicated as a business partner in the GTS system and it will be used in the respective customs document of GTS, which is the most important and prerequisite activity that SAP customers need to transfer to the GTS system before the creation of sales transactions.

SAP Customers can be transported to GTS in one of the below-mentioned ways.

A. Initial Transfer of customers to SAP GTS.

B. Mass Transfer of Customers to SAP GTS using RBDMIDOC

Prerequisite configuration in Feeder System.

Use T.code:- /SAPSLL/MENU_LEGALR3 – GTS: Global Trade Services Area Menu

Click on the “Basic Setting” tab page

Basic Setting for SAP GTS
Basic Setting for SAP GTS in the feeder system

Activate Change Pointers Globally

Change Pointers Activated Generally for SAP GTS in feeder system
Change Pointers Activated Generally

Click on the “Execution” button against Activate Change Pointers Globally.

Change Pointers Activated Generally
Change Pointers Activated Generally

Activate Change Pointers for Message Types.

Activate Change Pointers for Message Types for DEBMAS
Activate Change Pointers for Message Types for DEBMAS

Click on the “Execution” button against Activate Change Pointers for Message Type.

Activate Change Pointers for Message Types for DEBMAS
Activate Change Pointers for Message Types for DEBMAS

Click on the ACTIVE check Box against message type /SAPSLL/DEBMAS_SLL.

Activate Change Pointers for Reduced Messages

3.4 Activate Change Pointers for Reduced Messages

we can use the above path or can be used T.Code:- BD53

3.3 Activate Change Pointers for Reduced Messages 1

A. Initial Transfer of customers to SAP GTS

Step 1:- Create customer master data in Feeder System

login to the feeder system and create a customer using T.code XD01

Create Customer XD01
Create Customer XD01
Create Customer XD01
Create Customer XD01

Customer Account 0000301474 has been created successfully.

Step 2:- Change pointer Prior to Transfer (Optional)

T.Code:- SE16N

Table:- BDCP2 Change Pointer

Change Pointer Table BDCP2 Prior Transfer to GTS
Change Pointer Table BDCP2 Prior Transfer to GTS

Fill below information


Table Keys:- use “*” and Customer Code = “*301474”

Click on Execute button.

Change Pointer Table BDCP2 Prior Transfer to GTS
Change Pointer Table BDCP2 Prior Transfer to GTS

The process Indicator is blank which means it is waiting for the process.

Change Indicator is “I”:- Insert

Step 3:- Initial Transfer of customers to SAP GTS


Initial Transfer of customers to SAP GTS
Initial Transfer of customers to SAP GTS

Fill in the Customer code and Transfer Log Text for identification then click on execute button.

Initial Transfer of customers to SAP GTS
Initial Transfer of customers to SAP GTS

All selected partners (1) have been processed successfully

By doing the above activity, the feeder system transfers SAP customer details into SAP GTS and replicate business partner for respective customer master data.

Step 4:- Change pointer After Transfer to SAP GTS(Optional)

Change Pointer After initial Transfer
Change Pointer After initial Transfer

Even though we have processed it successfully the “process indicator” field of the Change pointer table is still blank because it did not use the “RBDMIDOC” program. And Initial transfer process does not update to change the pointer table.

Step 5:- Find Business Partner in GTS with reference to SAP Customer Code.

T.Code: [BP]

Find BP in SAP GTS
Find BP in SAP GTS

Fill external Number as the feeder system customer code.

Click on the “START” button.

At the bottom, you will find the Business partner code and its name.

Double-click on Business Partner then details about the business partner will be displayed on the right side of the screen.

8.2 Find BP in SAP GTS
8.3 Find BP in SAP GTS

B. Mass Transfer of SAP Customers to GTS using RBDMIDOC

Prerequisite configuration in Feeder System.

As we know both the SAP feeder system and SAP GTS are communicated by using RFC, not through IDOC. So along with the previous prerequisites, the below configuration is mandatory.

BD60 for Message type /SAPSLL/DEBMAS_SLL
BD60 for Message type DEBMAS_SLL


Above mentioned FM plays an important role to call the GTS system RFC and create a Business Partner in the SAP GTS system.

Step 1:- Create customer master data using T.code XD01

10. Create Customer Master Data XD01
10.2 Create Customer Master Data XD01

Account 0000301475 has been created

Step 2:- Check the change pointer before transferring data to SAP GTS(Optional)

11. Change Pointer BDCP2 Table before transfer data to GTS

Step 3:- Transfer SAP customer to GTS using RBDMIDOC.

T.Code:- SE38

Program Name:- RBDMIDOC

Click on Execute Button.

Transfer SAP customer to GTS RBDMIDOC
Transfer SAP customer to GTS RBDMIDOC

Fill in message type /SAPSLL/DEBMAS_SLL and click on execute button.

The system will not display any information because it is not generating any IDOC, rather it calls RFC and creates BP master data in SAP GTS.

Step 4:- Check the change pointer (Optional)

Change Pointer BDCP2 Table After transfer data to GTS
Change Pointer BDCP2 Table After transferring data to GTS

Now RBDMIDOC transfers data to GTS and updates it into the BDCP2 table.

Step 5:- Check Logs in GTS (Optional)

T.Code: – SLG1

14.1 Logs in GTS
14.2 Logs in GTS

In the log, we can see for the customer code 301475 system has created a business partner.

Step 6:- Find Business Partner in GTS with reference to SAP Customer Code.

T.Code:- [BP]

15 BP in SAP GTS

Once SAP GTS Master data go-live activities are completed then create a batch job for program RBDMIDOC with message type /SAPSLL/DEBMAS_SLL so that automatically feeder system will transfer SAP customer data to the SAP GTS system.

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How to Reprocess M Message in Customs Declaration Document in SAP GTS

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