SAP S/4HANA Sales and Distribution Certification Exam Preparation

  • SAP offers more than 150 certification SAP Certification exams in 9 languages from the associate to the professional level – including our cloud solutions.
  • SAP Global Certification is an online and onsite program.
  • Anyone involved in an SAP implementation project, who works with SAP technology, or wants to start a career in the SAP, they can go for sap certification.
  • SAP Certification is proven knowledgeable experts with SAP capabilities.

SAP S/4HANA Sales Exam Name and Code

Exam NameCode
SAP S/4HANA Sales 2020C_TS462_2020
SAP S/4HANA Sales 2020 UpskillingC_TS460_2020
SAP S/4HANA Sales 1909C_TS462_1909
SAP S/4HANA Sales 1909 UpskillingC_TS460_1909
SAP S/4HANA Sales Exam Name and Code

SAP Global Certification Online Exam Booking

  • Exam booking can be done within Certification hub.
  • Booking are two types on basis of Attempt.

SAP SD Certification Cost in India

AttemptPrice in India (excludes GST)
Six Attempts44,271.00 INR 
One Attempt17,708.00 INR
The above price may be varied from country to country.
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  • SAP Global Certification online exams provides 12-months access to Certification Hub.
  • Six attempts product, candidate can take each exam up to a maximum of three times.
  • Candidate can schedule his/her exam 24/7 via Certification Hub.SAP S4 Hana Certification hub
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How to Prepare for SAP SD certification in S/4 Hana?

  1. Do not wait for a fixed time to Study. Log on to your LH or go through the Certification SAP provided book every day in the morning and studied whenever you can.
  2. Collected all training and Certification material.
    1. SAP S/4HANA Sales 1909
    2. C_TSCM62_67
  3. Read each book in detail at least twice.
  4. After two readings give assessment where ever available for each of the book or you can refer mock test.

SAP Certification Exam Day Preparation & Checks

  1. Booked a meeting room for the exam if you are in the office, if you are working from home take the closed room.
  2. Ensure your laptop should have full charged and if you are using home network then it should not disconnected due power flactuation.
  3. Put an “out of office” in my mail box if it is working day.
  4. Ensure “skype call” with Webcam is working.

Point to be remembered during Exam Time

  1. The exam proctor joined in about 5 minutes before clicking start.
  2. We cannot take Bio break once the exam starts. So do that before you start.
  3. Read the instructions for exam taking carefully
  4. The schedule time is 180 Minutes for S/4 Hana Sales.
  5. There is no negative marking.
  6. Do flag questions if you are not sure about correct answer of that question.
  7. Review your flagged questions.
  8. Submit buttons is activated once you answer all question.
  9. Once you submit, result screen will appear with score with respect to topics.

Focus areas for the S/4 Hana Sales Certification exam

Focus below areas for SAP S4 Hana Sales and distribution certification, before going to appear exam you can go through the below links for the SAP SD mock test which help you understand the sap sd topics for exam point of view.

1. S4H01:- SAP Business Suite to SAP S/4HANA Delta

  1. Introduction to SAP S/4 Hana
  2. User Experience

2. S4LGI:- Innovative Logistics Processes in SAP S/4HANA Enterprise Management

3. S4SD1:- SAP S/4HANA Sales – Functions & Innovations

4. SCM600 | S4600 | S4605:- Business Processes in SAP S/4HANA Sales

  1. SAP Navigation
  2. Enterprise Structure
  3. Master Data
  4. Sales Process Overview

5. SCM610| S4610:- Delivery Processing in SAP S/4HANA

6. SCM615 | S4615:- Billing in SAP S/4 HANA Sales

7. SCM620 | S4620:-Pricing in SAP S/4HANA Sales

8. SCM650 | S4650:- Cross-Functional in SAP S/4HANA Sales